Starting as ALMA Mechanik Metallteile GmbH the company′s name was changed to ALMA driving elements GmbH. With more than twenty years experience, ALMA has been manufacturing products for the engineering and vacuum industry successfully. With their steady growth, ALMA is now found at
different locations, with a staff of fifty.
These products feature high true running accuracy of the rotating shaft. A high precision anti-
friction bearing, causes extremely low starting and drag torques. Furthermore, high loads can be
attached and high drag torques are allowable.
The bearing unit can be used in vacuum applications and be combined with magnetic fluid sealed
rotary feedthroughs.
ALMA metal bellow couplings connect shafts
absolutely torsion stiff, by balancing their misalignment in lateral, angular and axial direction.
In circumferential direction they operate like a rigid element, this way they can transfer drag
torques absolutely torsion stiff.
A large part of ALMA couplings are fabricated in stainless steel, are vacuum proof and usable in
aggressive media or humid environments. They can operate in temperatures up to 300°C.